+386 (0)70 683-008


Online office
Cesta Zelezarjev 8, SI-4270 Jesenice, Slovenia

Contact Hours
Monday – Friday:
9am – 5pm
General Inquiry
Business Inquiry
Common Questions
What academic services do you offer?
Providing you with the advising on the choice of country, university and the program while collecting and submitting the application on your behalf. The service further includes the revision of all the documentation, necessary corrections and procedures – e.g. obtaining translations.
Each service can be individually ordered
When is it advised to start thinking of the application?
You are strongly advised to start early in the year to ensure sufficient time for our discussions, making decisions and calmly preparing all the necessary documentation. It is strongly advised to start no later than September, a date that strongly depends on the country of choice and the necessities.
Can I only choose one service?
Yes, each service can be ordered individually on a per need basis.
Can i call freely for advising?
If you are calling for the first time, please set up a meeting to ensure the schedule allows for the deserved assistance and advising. Calling without the appointment may lead to the inability to dedicate time and therefore provide you with the requested service.
for what countries do you offer the services?
The services and help are offered primarily for: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, European Union, Japan and Thailand.
Additional countries can be requested and agreed upon
what is the best way of contacting you?
The most preferred way of contact is by email.
how do i request the services?
To order the required services, you can establish an email communication or submit the form provided.
Kristjan Markovc, MSc
Ph.D. Candidate in Economics
The life abroad is simultaneously the hardest challenge one can undertake, yet the most thrilling and fulfilling challenge one will live through. The thrill of the unknown, accompanied by the fascination by the new, re-evaluation of the old, questioning of the social, economic and political norms and values leads to an unmatched personal and professional growth, as well as endless pursuit of a better world around you.
“The wise man and the tortoise travel but never leave their home” ~ Chinese proverb